Here he is: macho, best-selling, sports and business writer Michael Lewis on the jacket of his new book wearing…pink!
Lewis has inspired me to actually do what I’ve been meaning to for a while: create a collection of images of #MalesInPink.
Did you know thneeds of Lorax fame are pink?
I can’t find an image of a character in a classic thneed, but here’s the Lorax in a pink, thneed hat, which is almost as good.
So what’ve you got? Please attach images or references in the comment section here (baby pics welcome) or on Reel Girl’s Facebook page or Tweet @margotmagowan. Use #MalesInPink with your posts so I can keep track.
Help give a pink a new image. Colors are for everyone!
Update: More #MalesInPink
Cosmic Boy (thank you Abnoba)
Little Mac from Nintendo’s Punchout (thank you wearmorethan)
Rugby refs wear pink (thank you nigelthedragon)
Galactus (thank you Abnoba)
Brainiac and the actor who played him on Smallville (thank you Abnoba)
sorry just thought of a few more
Royal Tenenbaum from The royal Tenenbaums
and Steve Carrell’s character Uncle Frank in Little Miss Sunshine wears a light pink shirt
and Brian Fantana throughout the first and second Anchorman Movies wears Pink
(i couldn’t find a better image that was just him sorry)
and Ianto Jones in Torchwood frequently wears pink
and last one Vince Noir from the mighty boosh wears pink sometimes as well
These are great, thank you! Will post when I have a second
Sorry realised i forgot to submit photos with that
The Riddler with Pink Hair in batman Forever
and Two Face in a pink suit in Batman forever
The Riddler had pink hair in Batman Forever
in the same film (Batman Forver) Two Face wore half a pink suit (it makes sense in the context of the film if you haven’t seen )
Galactus, one of the most powerful beings of the Marvel Universe wears something between pink and purple. The shade depends on the comic. Modern comics go more for the purple but in earliest cómics he had lots of pink.
Brainiac, one of the most important villains of the DC Universe has usually something pink
And the actor who portrayed him in Smallville wore sometimes pink
Little Mac from Nintendo’s Punch Out wore a pink jogging sweats while training. While I was searching for an image of it, I came across this “jem” of a discussion about the pink outfit:
Love these examples, adding to my post, FB, Twitter. Thank you! Keep them coming : )
Rugby Referees wear pink. And apparently anyone who doesn’t like rugby is ‘gay’. So I guess the pink wearing male referee could be straight!
Cosmic Boy, from the Legion of Superheros, have had several suits. Some of them are pink
And not clothes, but cars: the winner of the Indy 500 in 1955 drove a pink car, and the winner of 1956 a white and pink car.