On Reel Girl’s Facebook page, Danielle Cole reports the full list of all male cereal box characters that Raj listed last night on “Big Bang Theory.” Raj said he’d done the research and there are no female cereal box characters at all.
Here’s Raj’s list:
Snap, Crackle, and Pop
The Cheerios bee
Toucan Sam
The Honeycomb Bear
Count Chocula
Tony the Tiger
Diggum the Frog
Captain Crunch
Trix the Rabbit
Boo Berry
Wow. Isn’t that shocking? And shocking that it’s not shocking, if you know what I mean.
In total, Raj listed 14 characters from kids’ cereal boxes, every one a male.
Before you scoff at this blatant sexism as Raj’s friends did, remember: these characters are designed to appeal to your kids. Huge companies poured millions of dollars into creating these guys, to make them into household names. So why are female characters completely missing from this line up?
Can you imagine shopping at Safeway with your kids and seeing shelves lined with cereal box after cereal box, all featuring images of an all female a cast of heroes and villains? Do you think you’d notice? Do you think your kids would?
Why is it so normal for parents and children to see an imaginary world where girls go missing?