“Clueless” is my favorite of the Jane Austen movies. Alicia Silverstone plays a contemporary Emma, muddling in everyone’s private lives until she finally has her own epiphany and finds true love.
I could be wrong here, but I think “Clueless” is the only movie I have ever seen where popular girls are not mean. There is no “mean girl” contingent at all. Maybe, for that reason alone,you should show it to your kids.
There is racial diversity in the typical, sidekick way that I just blogged about in “Freaky Friday:” the best friend of the protagonist is African American.
However, this movie does a great job dealing with class. While both Cher, the protag, and Dionne, her BFF, are rich, the one from the other side of the tracks is a white girl named Tai. Usually, I hate movie makeovers, but when Cher and Dionee make Tai their “project,” the transformation happens with commentary that is insightful and powerful. If you’ve read Emma, Cher is very similar to her literary role– you see that she’s superficial, but she’s also likeable. You hope she will have the courage and insight to live up to her potential and she does.
I am deducting one H for the sexy outfits, though the clothing really didn’t bother me so much in this film. I’m trying to figure out why. Is it because there was no cleavage, it was mostly a leg thing? I don’t know. If you’ve see this movie, tell me your thoughts.
Reel Girl rates “Clueless” ***HH***
This was one of may fave high school movies of all time. I will definitely show it to my girls in a few years time when it is age appropriate.
I don’t know about you, but I grew up in the 90’s and dressing classy just meant making sure not to show off more than one body part at a time… so it was ok to be flashing lots of leg if you made sure to not show cleavage/midriff/too much bare arm. I think I still do this at 30! I also consider myself feminist, so seeing as these girls are in high school they should be allowed to dress how they want, even if that is “slutty” because it’s wrong to judge a girl by how revealing her clothes are.
Forgot to mention I would think the one “H” should still be deducted for the stereotype of “women be shopping.” At least they have the (gay) dude shopping, too? So ingrained we hardly notice that one.
the shopping didnt bother me because I felt like it was part of the commentary on class.
Hi Sarah,
Maybe thats why I was OK with the outfits, will think it over. Yes, I agree High school girls should be able to dress sexy, but I am choosing movies for my daughters and there is so much emphasis on how girls look and sexualizing them, I am looking for alternatives.