It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…Reel Girl!

Finally, Reel Girl is here! Her mission: to liberate the imaginations of children and grown-ups everywhere.


This blog’s new banner was drawn by the artist, Cynthia Rodgers, AKA Theamat. I first saw her work on the internet when I came across the fabulous “If I don’t get pants, nobody gets pants.”


Theamat created Reel Girl’s face from these images of my daughters. Before taking the pics, I asked them to imagine they were up against something powerful; it was up to them to save the world.

In creating Reel Girl, Theamat used Lucy’s intense eyes,


Alice’s speck of a smile,



and Rose’s wild curls.



12 thoughts on “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…Reel Girl!

  1. The face actually has a very soft look and there’s something about the way the body is positioned/proportioned that is throwing me off. And also, I kind of wish that there was something to represent gender equality and not just a female superhero. But it’s still a nice banner. Glad you’ve got a new one. 🙂

    • Hi Cat,

      I love the face! I created a female superhero b/c I wanted to personify Reel Girl. I plan on making her different ages with different narratives.


      • I understand. It’s just that to me gender equality has to be about male and female superheroes standing together. A female superhero on her own still feels segregated to her own corner.

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