Geena Davis, armed with 1.2 million and new technology, imagines gender equality in the fantasy world

You know how when you say something is sexist, like, say, the genre of animated movies marketed to kids, people will tell you it’s all in your head? They will say you don’t know what you are talking about and to stop picking on Nemo or Ratatouille or Frakenweenie or whomever.

Well, guess what? Geena Davis, goddess that she is, just scored 1.2 million dollars from Google to develop software that will analyze the portrayal of females in children’s media. This technology will scan hours of media content and through voice recognition and other features, will calculate how much screen time females get, how they appear, and the roles they play. This technology will calculate as quickly as Nielsen ratings so that it can show statistics about what appeared on TV the night before the very next day.

Gee, I wonder what this technology is going to tell us about gender roles and children’s media. How cool is that Davis got funding for an objective system that no one can argue with? She rocks.


3 thoughts on “Geena Davis, armed with 1.2 million and new technology, imagines gender equality in the fantasy world

  1. I wonder how the voice recognition system works. For example: Chris Colfer who has said his voice is often mistaken for a woman’s on the phone.

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