The humiliation of Karl Rove

My husband and I just happened to have the awesome luck of stumbling onto Fox News right as Karl Rove accused the conservative network of calling Ohio, and thus the Presidential race, too early. Watching the baffled Fox anchors and staff react to Rove’s stubborn denial of reality was a great TV moment.

All this a day before the Republican party and its big donors tore down Rove for taking $300 million and coming back with nothing. Chuck Schumer rightly pointed out, “If Crossroads were a business and Rove was the CEO he’d be fired for getting poor return for his investors.”

Here’s one funny scene from Fox.

3 thoughts on “The humiliation of Karl Rove

  1. I don’t know how much schadenfreude you enjoy, but if you have a few minutes to kill, there’s a great collection of sour puss faces and texts/status that made me giggle (and I voted for Stein). It’s

  2. there was a winner, maybe senator, maybe maine, for sure the democrat who thanked karl rove for helping him win. try to find it, very funny. because at tits you don’t know who he is thanking, it is like ‘for bringing me so many volunteers blah blah’.

    ================== Jill Oriane Tarlau –Bookbinder–

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