You’ve got to read this post At Stride Rite, girls are pretty and boys are active by Rebecca Hains about how shoes are marketed to girls versus boys. Check out the photos. They are really amazing. Here’s just one:
Parents, you buy your kids shoes. You have the money. Do not cave into this. It is a big deal.
If you’ve been reading my M & Ms posts, the main physical difference between the hyper-sexualized females and the playful, funny males are shoes. The males get sneakers; they can move. The females get heels; then they straddle trees and pose for SI Sports Illustrated.
I saw the link to Hain’s shoe piece on three descriptors and other such nonsense. That blogger takes her daughter outside to play everyday. Totally admire that. I am going to try harder. As I told three descriptors, it’s easiest for me when my kids are quiet, reading or doing art, but every time I actually get myself outside, I love it. I live in California for God’s sake. And in the long run, it is better for me, too, to get them out because my kids are happier.
Thanks to all the mom bloggers for writing about this stuff and being aware. It’s the first step.
Reel Girl rates Stride Rite ***SSS*** for major stereotyping.
My daughter is pretty and climbed in trees.