Sexual assault by camera

Recently, actress Kristen Stewart got in trouble from rape crisis groups and media pundits for saying paparazzi shots of her made her feel as if she were looking at someone being raped. Kristen wasn’t raped, but it’s sadly ironic that not long after her statement which offended so many people (and one she profusely apologized for) Perez Hilton posts a photo to his Twitter feed of Miley Cyrus where she is allegedly wearing no underwear. Hilton claims Cyrus deserves this exposure, because she was not acting “ladylike.” Cyrus wasn’t raped either, but what Hilton did is an assault on female sexuality with a camera. I wish Perez Hilton would stop slut-shaming girls and women when they don’t dress and behave the way he thinks they should.

actress Kristen Stewart

Jezebel says “Leave Miley’s Crotch Alone.”

I made the same request a couple days ago. No luck so far.

That slutty Miley deserves it

The story continues. Because Miley Cyrus was allegedly wearing no underwear, she deserves to have a photo of her go viral on the internet. And actress Kristen Stewart just got in trouble for saying paparazzi shots of her made her feel like she was looking at someone raped. Kristen wasn’t raped, nor was Miley, but this is an assault on female sexuality with a camera. Thank goodness Perez Hilton, who justified the photo saying he was teaching Cyrus to be “ladylike,” is around, a bastion of morality, making sure that girls and women dress properly and behave appropriately.

Perez Hilton Perez Hilton “Queen of All Media” 

Jezebel says “Leave Miley’s Crotch Alone.”

I made the same request a couple days ago. No luck so far.

Perez Hilton no expert on ‘ladies’

Perez Hilton justified the crotch shot he posted to his Twitter feed of Miley Cyrus, claiming he was trying to teach her to act like a lady.

Derek Blasberg's 

Perez isn’t the only guy around instructing women on how to behave. Derek Blasberg, a 27 year old from Missouri, recently came out with a modern manners how-to, just for the gentler sex: Classy: Exceptional Advice for the Extremely Modern Lady.

When I saw this at a bookstore, I thought it was a joke. Alas no, Blasberg sold his wisdom to a publisher, and it’s fast on it’s way to becoming a best-seller. In the intro Blasberg writes: “I can categorize the young women I’ve met through my trials and travails into two groups: ladies and tramps.”

It’s 2010– can we please stop recycling this age old virgin/ whore dichotomy? And while we’re at it, stop slut-shaming Miley Cyrus already, criticizing her clothing, her dancing, and her song lyrics in an endless 24 hour media cycle. Cyrus doesn’t need the media telling her how to behave anymore than women need advice from Blasberg on how to be classy.

No woman, in her twenties no less, would ever get way with writing a condescending tome like Blasberg’s and be recognized as some kind of witty authority on how a man can act like a man. But maybe she ought to. Here’s something for her first chapter: Don’t take and publish crotch shots. It’s not gentlemanly.