Now that LA Times found Oscar voters are white and male, what about MPAA?

LA Times published an investigative report on the super secret Oscar voters. Here are the stats that they found:

94% Caucasian

77% male

14% less than 50 years old, median age 62

2% African-American

Less that 2 % Latino

So these are the guys who create our standards of what is “the best.” Which directors we celebrate and honor above all. Do you think the Oscar voters and the fact that only one female director has ever won Best Director is a crazy coincidence?

Here’s one idea to celebrate females: Get rid of the phallic, naked man gold statuette. How about this one? Read more about the new Oscar statuette and how it will defy the Oscar Curse for women here.

Another idea for the LA Times? Please investigate the MPAA, the group that rates all the movies, deciding which ones are appropriate for children. These guys I have no doubt are all male, white, and old. They have NO idea what is offensive and what isn’t and their standards are so screwed up, it’s part of the reason I started Reel Girl. For example: Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty are rated by me ***SSS*** Triple Stereotype, NOT suitable for your kids. See the categories on the left side of this blog for more Triple S and Triple G (Girlpower) movies. I’d rather my kids here the word “shit” than see another blonde, blue-eyed princess in a wedding dress any day.

New Oscar statuette

After watching Joy Behar’s show on the Oscar curse, and hearing a male guest suggest that when actresses are “given this giant gold ballast, men get insecure.” Also, feeling that the curse is another way of letting women know they can’t have it all, I decided to start a movement.

Lift the curse, change the shape.