These are more like picks of the month, it’s been a while! But the good news is that I’ve been dying to write about these three books, and they are worth the wait.
Super Tool Lula by Michele Yulo is a hands-down, all out FABULOUS story about the superhero we’ve all been waiting for: Lula is strong, brave, compassionate and skilled. She’s passionate about carpentry, science, playing drums, and her dog. All characteristics and activities that are traditionally considered for boys. Lula whizzes around on her skateboard saving the day. I love this! I live in San Francisco and all the boys skateboard here. It’s one of the early ways that girls and boys separate.
Not only is Lula talented and smart, but she uses her gifts to rescue kids from being bullied and transforms the bully along the way. Every kid in school should read this book. Lula shows that it is brave to be kind. And in truth, courage is just what kids need to take the risk of being kind to each other when they witness someone getting picked on.
The moment I finished reading Lula, my three daughters made a beeline for the tool box. (Lula is a master at carpentry and uses magical tools to save kids.) I have seen this kind of influence happen many times after I read a book (I wrote about my five year old daughter finally trying to ride a two wheeler.)
Read your kids this book and then talk to them about what they’ve learned from it. The whole Super Tool Lula website is awesome. Visit it for more stories, cool T-shirts, and activities.
Reel Girl rates Super Tool Lula ***HHH***
Lola at the Library is a sweet book about a girl who loves to read.
Reading this book with your kids make them see going to the library as a special event. Not only that, if your kids need a little help in this area, Lola has amazing library etiquette. Before heading there, she puts all her borrowed books into her backpack and she remembers her library card; when she arrives, she stays in the children’s section. Maybe I should adopt this kid. This is a book for little ones, ages 2 – 6.
Reel Girl rates Lola at the Library ***HHH***
Angela’s Airplane is my favorite Robert Munsch book.
Sometimes I think his stories are too goofy or gross (Like Stinky Socks, though my kids love that one, too. Maybe I need to embrace the gross factor…) but Angela hits the perfect balance of absurdity and adventure. Angela goes to the airport with her dad, but then “a terrible thing happened: Angela’s father got lost.”
Angela wanders into an airplane and starts pushing buttons and ends up flying the plane. The part where she realizes she’s up in the air is suspenseful and exciting. Finally, Angela grabs the radio and calls for help. With direction, she lands the plane and is met on the ground by firetrucks, police, and her father who makes her promise never to fly another airplane. She keeps the promise for a long time, until she grows up to become a pilot.
Reel Girl rates Angela’s Airplane ***HHH****