‘health of the mother has become a tool for abortions anytime under any reason’

Republican rep Joe Walsh is running for congress in Illinois. Last night, he told reporters that there should be no abortion exception for the life of the mother.

Of this inane statement, Planned Parenthood writes: “This is exactly why politicians have no place in a woman’s personal medical decisions.”

Not long ago, Rep. Todd Aiken said: “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Who do you think should have the legal right to advise women on health choices: doctors or politicians?

7 thoughts on “‘health of the mother has become a tool for abortions anytime under any reason’

  1. I think if there is a way to abort an elected official, a petition should be started to get it on the ballot.
    George Carlin said it best: “If you are pre-born, you’re fine; If you are pre-school, you’re fucked.”

  2. What? I can’t control decisions about my own body unless I’m dying? That’s totally man leader, wife & children followers__ obey, obey, obey, “til death do us part.”

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