Elizabeth Arden responds:
Hi, We want to respond to the comments and dialogue about our Ceramide Premiere ad. We regret that the ad is sending a signal other than what we intended. When Elizabeth Arden said “To be beautiful is the birthright of every woman” 100 years ago, she wasn’t celebrating superficial beauty. She was celebrating authenticity, individuality, and the self-confidence that makes each woman uniquely be…autiful. We felt the woman shown in the ad evokes a sense of grace, success, and poise that was soul-deep, not just skin-deep. A wisdom and confidence her daughter could aspire to. We are very sorry if the ad triggered the opposite response.As we continue this journey of redefining beautiful in a broader, more complex way, we hope you will allow us to learn and evolve with you and we welcome your input on how to define this complex and emotionally-charged word.
Dear Elizabeth Arden,
Thank you for your response.
This is an ad for face cream so one assumes the focus is skin. If Elizabeth Arden wants to communicate through this ad that beauty is not, in fact, “just skin-deep,” why do you show a woman doing nothing but smiling at the camera? Why not show her doing something? Winning a trophy after a tournament, jumping a fence on a horse, or creating a painting. Why not show her doing something with her daughter?
If you want to show a woman only smiling at the camera, why not use a well known, accomplished spokesperson? A woman everyone identifies with “authenticity and individuality?”
As it stands, the combination of the product advertised being for skin cream, the model smiling at the camera, and the caption “Beautiful gives her daughter something to look forward to” communicates the message that the main thing our daughters have to look forward to in life is nice skin.
That’s not the kind of message mothers want to send to our kids.
Margot Magowan
Reel Girl
Tell Elizabeth Arden what you think on its Facebook page.
Margot I feel as though you can’t see the emotional connection between these types of products and self-confidence. Yes, if you use these products you will have “nice skin”; but why do we want nice skin? We want to take pride in ourselves and feel good about ourselves. How many of you feel confident and amazing when you have a shower, do your hair, do your makeup and put on your favourite dress…?
I think it is great that the message in Elizabeth Arden’s advertising campaign redefines “beautiful” in this way… as opposed to other’s that simply show an image of Natalie Portman or Kate Winslet etc..
I have taken advice from a woman who told me to find the common elements that link me to those who may seem different at first glance and to build bridges not walls. Her mentor and example of a woman devoting her energies to bettering life for all was Eleanor Roosevelt who helped write the Declaration of Human Rights.
Reel Girl,
I think it’s awesome that you managed to attract the attention of the EA spokespeople and I also think that your reply is both eloquent and ballsy. Bravo! 🙂
thank you mskatykins!
Very welcome – keep up the good work! 🙂