This is a new feature at ReelGirl. It’s basically what I would put on the front page if I were the news editor of the world. Please share your links. (My husband came up with the title.)
From the New York Times: Disney is marketing to your womb. I’m not even going to give some snarky commentary here. This article speaks for itself. Read it and freak out.
From The New Republic on the literary glass ceiling: Why are most book reviews written about works by men? Depressing statistics here, both on women writers and literary gatekeepers such as editors of lit mags; when discrimination starts this early, women can’t catch up. Gatekeepers reply, they’re just looking for the best and most important works, gender doesn’t matter to them at all. Hopefully, this bummer of an article will inspire women to write. There is a point! You need to get your own stories out there. No one else is going to do it for you.
Go Arianna! The Huffington Post and AOL make a 315 million dollar deal. What would you rather be: married to a millionaire (make that gay millionaire) or be one yourself?
Just in case moms who work need something else to feel guilty about, CNN is reporting that working moms have fat kids. Who decided to do this study? Why? Was it some group thinking: let’s mess around with all of women’s worst insecurities? By the way, CNN reports no similar study on dads who work.
And speaking of studies, funded one done by two women, Helen Fisher and Stephanie Coontz. And guess what these women researchers found? is announcing that women aren’t the ones who want to get married, men are. Hmmm…I wonder if who funds and creates studies has anything to do with what gets studied and what the ‘results’ are?
In the Huffington Post, Tara Sophia Mohr writes about sexism at “Top Chef.” As with the women writers, judges are just looking for the best and most important chefs who just happen to turn out male. Mohr has a brilliant idea for the show: blind judging. This would counteract gender bias and be a great ratings hook too, by the way. Bravo bigwigs– are you listening?
Did you notice something missing from the Superbowl entertainment besides Axl Rose? No Cheerleaders! First superbowl ever! This made it more watchable for women around around the world. Cheerleaders are bad for women; this fact has nothing to do with athletic prowess and everything to do with being a sideshow. Cheerleaders tell women their role is to support the real stars, men.
I agree, this is unsettling at least and really, really disturbing at worst…
Awesome headline.