Brave Margaret


Brave Margaret is one of the best kids books I’ve come across. It’s a Celtic fairy tale, a true adventure story– exciting and beautifully illustrated. Margaret faces stormy seas, a terrifying serpent, and a self-serving sorceress. The story is completely centered on Margaret’s journey, though it does end in a happily ever after scene with a prince. Still, Simon is a hottie (I have a soft spot for Irish men) who obviously loves and admires Margaret for her bravery and her brains which makes the story romantic enough so the ending fits. Also– I love Margaret’s look. Yes, she has long flowing hair but it’s all kinds of shades of fiery red. One of my pet peeves with children’s books is that even when there is a girl in constant action, the pictures are of the moments she happens to be stationary: smiling, hugging, sitting, whispering, or brushing her hair (this is true even if the girl characters happen to be ponies, cats, fairies, bugs etc). Not so with Brave Margaret– most illustrations are action shots: Margaret galloping on her black horse, brandishing a sword; rowing a boat on her own in the stormy sea; swinging an ax by a serpent’s mouth. My friend who recommended this book bought it at a garage sale for $1. It’s copyright is 1999. I hope it’s still available, I want to get my own copy. Please give suggestions for girl power kids books you love. They don’t have to be new.

6 thoughts on “Brave Margaret

  1. Ohmygoodness–I think Pixar’s upcoming “Brave” is adapted from this book!

    I hope it’s wonderful–we’ve been waiting so long for a heroine to come out of that studio…

  2. “The Blue Castle” and “Anne of Green Gables” by LM Montgomery.

    I actually have a deep and abiding affection for almost all of Montgomery’s heroines–they’re true, flawed, strong, and great role models.

  3. Great story- Margaret rocks. I read this story to my daughters and they were spellbound.And when i was done they were so excited they ran upstairs to tell Mama all about it.

  4. I read the Heidi Montag People article too. The plot thickens – Heidi’s assistant temporarily lost the camera with the pre-surgery topless photos of Heidi but it was eventually recovered. Heidi not only had the surgery so she could look “perfect” but also for the publicity that came with it and so she can pose for a 2nd time in Playboy with her bigger boobs.

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